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发布时间:2016-07-07 | 栏目:加拿大中国侨报专栏 |



第一条 本会名称为:加拿大亚太工商联合会。简称:“亚太工商联”。

英文名称:Canadian Asia Pacific Association of Industry and Commerce

英文缩写: CAAIC

第二条 本会性质由亚太地区的经贸、工商、企业家、文化界及海内外华人华侨自愿组成并于1998年在加拿大政府注册的非盈利社会团体。

第三条 注册地址:1—D Badgerow Ave., toronto M4M 1Y9 Ontario Canada

第四条  本会宗旨


第二章  业务范围

第五条  业务范围本会业务范围:促进加拿大与亚太地区的经济、文化交流与合作。




第三章  会员的权力和义务

第七条  会员








3、获得本会的服务;4、对本会工作的批评和建议权;5、要求本会为维护会员的合法权益提供帮助;  6、自愿入会,退会自由。




第四章  组织机构及职权

第八条  本会的最高权力机构是会员代表大会,会员代表大会每2年召开一次,以申报轮流方式在亚太地区举办。

第九条  会员代表大会的职权:



第十条  常务理事会是会员代表大会的执行机构,在会员代表大会闭幕期间领导本会开展日常工作,对会员代表大会负责。

第十一条 常务理事会的职权


第十二条  本会设主席1人,常务副总会长、副会长若干人、秘书长1人、执行秘书长1人。

第十三条  本会主席、常务副主席、副主席、执行主席、秘书长、执行秘书长每届任期四年,可以连选连任。

第十四条  若工作需要,可以设立总会常委9-13人。

第十五条   本会主席、常务副主席、副主席、执行主席、秘书长、执行秘书长采用民主协商、推荐、会员代表大会选举相结合的方式产生。

第十六条 本会主席行使下列职权:

(一)召集和主持常务理事会议;(二)检查会员代表大会、常务理事会议决议的落实情况;(三)代表本会签署有关重要文件;(四)检查、督促本会各机构的工作。第十八条  因特殊情况,主席(总会长)可以指定执行会长,主持本会的全面工作。

第十七条  本会设立秘书处,负责日常工作。秘书长行使下列职权:


第五章   经费的管理和使用

第十八条   本会经费来源与支出:








第十九条  本会会员会费为$500元/四年(届)。

第二十条  本会会费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围,本会的资产任何单位和个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。

第二十一条  本会建立严格的财务制度,保证会计资料真实、准确、完整。

第二十二条 本会的资产管理必须执行社团财务管理制度,接受会员代表大会和主管机关的监督。

第二十三条  本会专职工作人员的工资和保险、福利待遇,根据实际情况,由常务理事会决定。

第六章   章程的修改程序

第二十四条  对本会章程的修改,须经常务理事会表决并经会员代表大会通过后报社团登记机关核准。

第七章  终止程序及终止后的财产处理

第二十五条 本会完成终止或自行解散,或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销时,由常务理事会提出终止动议,经会员大会表决通过,并报业务主管单位审查同意。

第二十六条 本会终止前,须在有关机关指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。

第二十七条 本会经社团登记管理机关办理注销登记手续后即为终止。

第二十八条 本会终止后的剩余财产,在社团登记管理机关的监督下,按照有关规定,用于发展与本会宗旨相关的事业。

第八章 附则

第二十九条 本章程经2016年 6月30日会员大会表决通过。

第三十条 本章程的解释权属本会常务理事会。


Constitution of Canada Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Chapter I General Principles

Article 1 The name of the Association is: Canada Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  Abbreviations: "Asia Pacific Federation of Industry and Commerce".

English name: canadian asia pacific association of industry and commerce

Abbreviation: CAAIC

Article 2 Nature of the Association: Non-profit social organizations voluntarily formed by economic and trade, industry and commerce, entrepreneurs, cultural circles and overseas Chinese in the Asia-Pacific region and registered with the Canadian government have the status of social legal persons.

Article 3 registered address: 1-d badgerow ave., toronto m4m 1y9 ontario Canada

Article 4 Purpose of the Association

The aim of the Association is to uphold the patriotic feeling of "being the first to dare, to love others and to win, to cherish one's ancestors and hometown, and to give back to one's hometown", to promote the process of social economy, social culture and global economic integration, and to contribute to the economic and cultural prosperity and great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Chapter II Scope of Business

Article 5 Scope of Business The scope of business of the Association is to promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between Canada and the Asia-Pacific region.

(1) Undertaking visits and fairs by economic, trade and cultural delegations of Chinese governments at all levels;

(2) Exchange and cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region in economy, trade, culture, education, humanities, science and technology, environmental protection, etc.

(3) Provide legal advice on immigration, study abroad, etc.

Chapter III Rights and Obligations of Members

Article 7 Members

(1) It is composed of economic and trade, industry and commerce, entrepreneurs, cultural circles, overseas Chinese and people from all walks of life who love the cause of the Association in the Asia-Pacific region;

(2) The requirements for applying for membership in the Association: to recognize the Association's articles of association and actively participate in various activities of the Association;

(3) membership procedure:

1, recommended by members;  2. Fill in the registration form for membership application;

3, by the general assembly for qualification examination;  4. Join the club after examination and approval.

(4) Members shall enjoy the following powers:

1. The right to participate in the activities of the Association;  2. The right to vote and be elected;

3. Access to the services of this Council;  4. The right to criticize and suggest the work of the Association;  5. Request the Association to provide help for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of its members;  6, voluntary membership, will be free to withdraw.

(5) Members must fulfill the following obligations:

1. Implement the resolutions of this Council and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and reputation of this Council;  2. Complete the work and tasks assigned by the Association;  3, according to the provisions of the payment of membership fees;

4. Report the situation to this Council and provide relevant information and suggestions.

Chapter IV Organizational Structure and Functions

Article 8 The highest authority of the Association is the member representative assembly, which is held every 2 years and is held in the Asia-Pacific region on a rotating basis.

Article 9 The functions and powers of a member congress are as follows:

(1) Formulating and amending the articles of association of the Association;  (two) the election and recall of executive directors;  (3) Reviewing the work report and financial report of the Standing Council;

(4) deciding on termination matters;  (5) Formulating the work guidelines and tasks of the Association;  (6) to decide on other important matters.

Article 10 The Standing Council is the executive body of the Member's Congress. It leads the Council in its daily work during the closing period of the Member's Congress and is responsible to the Member's Congress.

Article 11 Functions and powers of the Standing Council

(1) to elect the chairman, executive vice-chairman, vice-chairman, executive chairman and secretary-general of the association;  (2) To prepare for the convening of a member congress;  (3) Hiring the reputation and consultants of the Association;  (4) to report the work and financial situation of the general assembly to the general assembly of members;  (five) decided to set up the general assembly offices, branches, representative offices and entities;  (6) To decide on the employment of the principal leaders of various institutions, formulate the internal management system, formulate the activity plans and plans of the Association, and lead the work of various institutions of the Association;  (seven) to raise funds to ensure and expand the sources of funds.

Article 12 The Association shall have a president, a deputy president, vice presidents, a secretary-general and an executive secretary-general.

Article 13 The chairman, executive vice-chairman, vice-chairman, executive chairman, secretary-general and executive secretary-general of the Association shall serve a term of four years and may be re-elected.

Article 14 If work requires, there may be 9-13 members of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly.

Article 15 The chairman, executive vice-chairman, vice-chairman, executive chairman, secretary-general and executive secretary-general of the Association shall be elected through a combination of democratic consultation, recommendation and election of members' congress.

Article 16 The President of this Council shall exercise the following powers:

(a) to convene and preside over the meeting of the executive directors;  (2) to check the implementation of the resolutions of the members' congress and the executive directors' meeting;  (3) Signing relevant important documents on behalf of this Council;  (4) to inspect and supervise the work of various institutions of this Council.  Article 18 due to special circumstances, the chairman (chief chairman) may designate an executive chairman to preside over the overall work of the association.

Article 17 This Council shall set up a secretariat to be responsible for daily work.  The Secretary-General exercises the following powers:

(a) presided over the offices to carry out daily work, to carry out the work of branches, representative offices and entities, and to organize the implementation of the annual work plan of the association;  (2) to be responsible for the preparatory work for the member congress, the standing Council and the president's office meeting;  (3) To be responsible for printing letters and archival materials of the Association;  (4) Nominating the Deputy Secretary-General and other principal responsible persons of various offices;  (5) To be responsible for the administration of the website, WeChat public platform and journal of the Association;  (6) Handling other daily affairs of the Association;  (7) Responsible for matters assigned by the chairman.

Chapter V Administration and Use of Funds

Article 18 The sources of funds and expenditures of this Council:

(a) sources of funding

1. Contributions;  2. Donation;  3. Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope;  4. Interest;

5. Other legal income.

(2) Expenditure

The funds of the Association must be used for the business scope and career development as stipulated in the Articles of Association and shall not be distributed among members.  Scope of expenditure:

1, office expenses (including headquarters rent, office supplies purchase costs, printing costs, chamber of commerce journals, briefing design, printing costs, etc.);  2. Travel expenses;  3. Meeting expenses (expenses for the general meeting of members, the executive council, the executive chairman's office meeting, the secretariat's working meeting, and other meetings held in the name of the Association);  4. Funds for foreign affairs activities of the Association;

5. Expenses for various activities organized by the Association to serve its members;  6. Other normal expenses related to this Council;  7. Salaries of employees.

Article 19 The membership fee of the Association is $500 yuan/4 years (session).

Article 20 The membership fee of the Association must be used for the business scope stipulated in the Articles of Association. No unit or individual may embezzle, embezzle or embezzle the assets of the Association.

Article 21 The FSC shall establish a strict financial system to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of accounting data.

Article 22 The asset management of the Association must implement the financial management system of the association and accept the supervision of the member congress and the competent authority.

Article 23 The salaries, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of this Association shall be decided by the Standing Council according to the actual situation.

Chapter VI Procedures for Amending Articles of Association

Article 24 Any amendment to the articles of association of the Association shall be submitted to the association registration authority for approval after being voted by the Standing Council and approved by the member representative assembly.

Chapter VII Termination Procedures and Property Disposal after Termination

Article 25 When the FSC is terminated or dissolved by itself, or needs to be cancelled due to separation, merger and other reasons, the Standing Council shall propose a termination motion, which shall be voted by the general meeting of members and submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approval.

Article 26 Before the termination of this Council, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the relevant authorities to clear up creditor's rights and debts and deal with the aftermath.  During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation will be carried out.

Article 27 The Association shall be terminated upon going through the formalities for cancellation of registration by the association registration authority.

Article 28 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purposes of the Association under the supervision of the association registration administration authority and in accordance with relevant regulations.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 29 The Articles of Association are approved by the general meeting of members on June 30, 2016.

Article 30 The power to interpret these Articles of Association shall be vested in the Standing Council of the Association.

·世界江氏宗亲联谊总会 加拿大亚太工商联合会 世界江氏经贸文化发展促进总会 加拿大福建海外交流协会 加拿大八闽同乡会 联合声明
·世界江氏宗亲联谊总会 加拿大亚太工商联合会 世界江氏经贸文化发展促进总会 加拿大福建海外交流协会 加拿大八闽同乡会 联合声明
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